1 minute read

I spent a fair amount of time today upgrading the site and my phone so that I would have better mobile access to the site on my phone and so that you can too!

Here's what I ended up doing:

  • Adding the MobilePress plugin to DanKleiman.com, so that the site adapts to your mobile browser
  • Installing the Wordpress app on my Droid, so that I can update the site from my phone
  • Installing Moodle for Mobiles, which is "is designed to work with mobile phones in Japan". Is that why it failed? I couldn't get the php to run cleanly.

Overall, I think this was a good step forward, except for the Moodle situation. It looks like there are several different native apps for mobile devices that are or are becoming available. That's good. I don't know if I'll have to modify the site to accommodate them or what. Depending on how I migrate current clients of mine over to Trainerfly, I may or may not look into this further.

Thanks for reading a site update!