I'm running a little experiment right now at Brookline Tai Chi to see if we can help our students develop better home practice habits. Specifically, I'm experimenting with self-reporting and automated reminders to spark daily practice sessions outside of class.
Now, when I talk to other people in our international tai chi community, I realize what a powerful practice aid Brookline Tai Chi already is. What I mean is, the bricks-and-mortar experience of coming to the school and being around other people removes so many barriers people have to doing tai chi. It sounds too obvious to mention, but that is exactly why participating at the school is such a powerful way to build a practice.
For this project, though, I'm experimenting with email reminders and surveys to get an initial feel for what people do outside of class. I want to see if I can help them trigger more practice sessions during the week. From the initial self-reporting, it also appears that there are many daily practicers already, so I also want to see if there is a systematic way to help them shape their practice and get more out of it. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a longer conversation.
I'm not going to explain the experiment in detail just yet, because I want people to go through it without too much bias, but I'll share the results here once we know what we've found. Stay tuned!
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